========================================== RANDOM BACKGROUND CHOOSER README ------------------------------------------ OVERVIEW The random background chooser is a remarkably useless program the changes your desktop background to a different background whenever you run it, sounds pretty annoying eh? Well I was kinda bored so I thought what the hell. ------------------------------------------ USING IT To get the program to change your background you first have to give it a list of possible backgrounds to load, to do this create a file "List.txt" in the programs root directory, at the beginning of the file enter the total number of possible images, then enter the full path and name if the files you want it to choose from, for example: 3 C:\My Documents\My Pictures\My Backgrounds\My Sunset.bmp C:\Photos\BikingTrip\BobWithStickThruHead.bmp C:\Photos\PuristCamp\FootballMatch.bmp When the program is run it will randomly choose one of those images for your background NOTE: The program will resolve environment variables. Environment variables are defined in AUTOEXEC.BAT and accessed with the % charecter like this %VAR% for example: AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET BG_DIR=C:\MYDOCU~1\BACKGR~1 List.txt: 3 %BG_DIR%\BG1.bmp %BG_DIR%\BG2.bmp %BG_DIR%\BG3.bmp You can also use the automatically defined environment variables, for example if you wanted to use the worlds most boring background: List.txt: 3 %WINDIR%\Clouds.bmp %WINDIR%\Bubbles.bmp %WINDIR%\CarvedStone.bmp ------------------------------------------ COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS There are two fairly useless command-line arguments you can pass the program: "+srand " - Seeds the random number generator with whatever you specified in (otherwise it uses the system time). "+num " - Overrides the random number generator and selects the background at position (I used it for debugging, also the frontend uses it). ------------------------------------------ ERRORS For some reason my programs generate errors! This is not my fault; all blame goes to Microsoft. MS Word just put a wavy line under that last sentence (seriously). Anyway here are all the handled errors: " : Failed to open file stream" :- The file could not be open, either it doesn't exist or is locked, close any programs that may be using it (including the frontend) if that doesn't work then reinstall the program. If the file is "list.txt" then simply create a new list If the file is "LastName.txt" then create a file with that name and type a single line that says anything (this file stores the name of the last background chosen so it doesn't choose it again) " : Error reading file" :- The data extraction from the file failed, this is probably caused by invalid format (ie you entered the stuff in wrong) If the file is "list.txt" then create a new list PROPERLY this time If the file is "LastName.txt" then create a file with that name and type a single line that says anything (this file stores the name of the last background chosen so it doesn't choose it again) "List.txt : Error writing file" :- The data insertion to the file failed, this error is handled but I've never had it occur. "Error changing background : The system could not find the file specified" :- The random file that was chosen could not be found. Ensure all the files in your list exist (try previewing them in the frontend). "Error changing background : Unknown error" :- The background change failed but extended error information could not be found. I've had this one occur when an invalid file format is used (eg trying to use a JPEG file in Windows 9X). ========================================== FRONTEND README ------------------------------------------ OVERVIEW The Frontend is a program for people to bored to type, it allows you to create the lists an a familiar file-picker interface. ------------------------------------------ USING IT At the top-left corner of the window is the file picker, the first box is a directory view, underneath it is a drive picker. Next to the directory box is file list box, underneath this box is a filter (reads "*.bmp;*.dib"), most users will want to leave this alone, *.bmp;*.dib - (Default) Windows native bitmap format *.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif - (Experimental) Internet formats JPEG GIF compression NOT COMPATABLE WITH WINDOWS 9X/ME *.* - No filter (aka "All Files"), not recommended Right of the file list are selection buttons in this order: "VIEW" - The TOP view button displays the selected image in the file list "++" - Adds all files in the file list to the image list "+" - Adds the selected file to the image list "-" - Removes the selected file from the image list "--" - Removes all files form the image list "VIEW" - The BOTTOM view button displays the selected image in the image list Underneath all this is the image list, this list displays the file that the Random BG will choose from (ie list.txt). Right of the image list is the preview box (reads NO IMAGE) you can load an image into this box by pressing the "VIEW" buttons (see above) or by checking the "Auto Preview" box, if you double-click this box you will get a fullscree preview of the image. On the far right of the screen four big buttons: "QUIT" - Quits, Exits, Leaves, Closes, F*cks off "SAVE" - Saves the image list (must be saved before Random BG will use it) "RUN" - Runs the Random Background Chooser "HELP!" - Displays a help/about window including this file, also shows version info "MISC" - Miscellaneous options MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS Pressing the "MISC" button brings up a dialog of miscellaneous options, at the top are buttons for adding or removing startup shortcuts. Pressing "Add startup shortcut" will create an entry in your system registry that causes the program to be run when you load windows, thus you get a new background every time you load your computer. Pressing "Remove startup shortcut" removes the registry entry. Next to the startup shortcut buttons are to lists where you can set a keystroke to prevent the random background from running you load windows (if there is a startup shortcut), the default is CTRL+B. Press and hold the keystroke as windows loads your desktop to prevent the program from running. That pretty much it! :) ========================================== RANDOM BACKGROUND CHOOSER was created by: Jonathon Burnham Cobb (aka Jontron); John McDonald (aka Cell18189) WEB: http://www.jonatron.tripod.com/programming http://www.cell18189.tripod.com